Much was accomplished in the two week trip with 6 participants: 2 rain catch systems, pastors' conference, women's empowement conference, The Bucket Ministry training, handing over of the Rehab Center to Bomet County for equipping and staffing, and Rachel Pi educational training for 2 schools.
Training at Kipsingei Secondary for students on using Rachel Pi Educational Material was done by Chris Fryman.
Training at Akshar Secondary teachers on
using Rachel Pi Educational Material by Alex Contreras.
A two day Pastors' Conference taught by Pastor Beau Sulivan and Doug Pace was held with 30 plus attending. It was well received.
The Buckett Ministry training by Ronald included the Gospel and
consisted of drilling holes in the buckets, installing the filters, and listening to an explanation of how dirty water was purified by the Sawyer filter. Each person was encouraged to practice the flushing to keep the filter clean, lasting 10-20 years. 30 signed up.
Pastors celebrate.
Rain catch systems were installed at two schools: Sotik Primary and Akshar Primary.
Tank is transported to the school.